Riaz Agha
Left: A photo taken for the upcoming Annual Report for the GKT School of Medicine.
Right: "the box", this is where I wrote much of the book, 3rd floor, Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard, July 2004
On the cover of the Undergraduate Propsectus for Medicine and Dentistry, 2004 (left) and in the Medicine section in the Undergraduate Prospectus 2005 (right).
Practising in the Clinical Skills Labratory at Guy's. Picture taken for the Department of Further Education and Skills, February 2005.
In the British Assoociation of Dermatologists Newsletter, Summer Supplement 2005, pages 22-23.s
A work in the Tissue Engineering and Wound Healing Laboratory, Harvard, October 2004
In the office having a good think about strategy
Relaxing in the sunshine, in front of the Captiol Building, Washington DC, August 2004
Pictured with the statue of Abraham Lincoln (left) and the in front of the White House (right), August 2004
Pictured with Professor Susan Standring, Editor-in-Chief for Grays Anatomy, at the launch party for the 39th edition, November 2004. Professor Standring invited me to review the proofs of the book and I have been mentioned as a General Reviewer in the text.
Laying down my arguments for Surgical Education in the undergraduate course (left) and Answering questions (right) at a debate jointly organised by the Section of Surgery, Royal Society of Medicine, and the Guy's, King's and St. Thomas Surgical Soceity of which I was President, 1st October 2003. The International Journal of Surgery was also launched at this event.
Presenting my Intercalated BSc research project "Osteoarthritis of the Hip - a cadeveric Study" at the European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology April 2003 conference in Helsinki, Finland
Left: On the steps of the Royal Collge of Surgeons of England for the 10th Anniversary of their Research Fellowship, March 2004, at the invitation of Sir Peter Morris, the President at the time.
Right: Sharing a moment with the statue of John Hunter at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, March 2003
Pictured in Santiago de Compostella, Spain, I was there to present my research at the International Conference on Surgery for Students, November 2003.
In the General Assembly Chamber of the United Nations, New York City, September 2004
Central Park, a weekend trip to New York, September 2004
Paying tribute to the greatest scientists ever, on elective in Boston, September 2004
Pictured with the statue of John Harvard, Boston, September 2004
A harbour tour in Boston, August, 2004
Pictured by the tidal basin and the Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC, August 2004
Outside Building 38A or the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, National Institute of Health, Maryland, USA, August 2004