22nd November 2006
Successful Launch to Invest in Your Career Workshops
LONDON - The Invest in Your Career workshops have now launched and seven have been conducted so far. Here is the list:
- 27 September 2006 - Liverpool University
- 5th October 2006 - Nottingham University
- 18th October 2006 - Guy's, King's and St. Thomas' Medical School
- 20th October 2006 - Warwick University
- 30th October 2006 - Oxford University
- 30th October 2006 - Sheffield University
- 2nd November 2006 - Glasgow University
Many more are planned for 2007 so watch out for a seminar near you.
25th September 2006
LONDON The International Journal of Surgery proudly announces the launch of its new open access website www.theijs.com. The site aims to build stronger links with all authors, reviewers, the media and indeed all stakeholders in the journal by fostering enhanced interaction, content and search facilities. This website includes a wide range of functionality:
- research abstracts from the latest issue of the IJS
- exclusive content
- rapid responses
- blogs
- podcasts
- video library
- image library
- careers centre
- RSS feeds and much more…
Professor Michael Baum, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Surgery said:
"This is the first time surgeons in training have direct links to the teaching of techniques by interactive videos and the learning of principles direct from the mouth of world leaders on podcasts. The website is at the cutting edge of information technology for those at the "cutting edge" of surgery!"
Dr Michael Retsky, Lecturer in Surgery at Harvard Medical School said:
“It has been a pleasure to work with you and get our research story told to a wide audience in a very short time - and with high professional quality. That publicity was unanticipated and welcomed by me and my coauthors. In addition, publications in many other journals were very long to print. The IJS was the best we have seen. My expectations of publishing have risen in the past year. Now I would hesitate before submitting a paper to an old-style journal.”
Dr Riaz Agha, Managing and Executive Editor, International Journal of Surgery. Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 207 754 5402. e-mail pressoffice@journal-surgery.com
5th September 2006
Launch of Wikisurgery
I am pleased to annouce the launch of Wikisurgery , a surgical encyclopedia which anyone, anywhere and anytime can edit and contribute to. It is based on the wiki concept used in Wikipedia, a successful general purpose encyclopedia. I hope you all enjoy using it and I look forward to your feedback.
9th July 2006
Invest in Your Career
I am pleased to announce that I will be working with MLP Private Finance PLC, an independent financial advisor, on bringing a high quality workshop: "Invest in Your Career" to medical students acorss the UK.
Workshop Summary
- The expansion of medical education
- The MMC framework explained
- Medical school and its opportunities
- Develop yourself & plan your career
- Income, expenditure & debt management
- Your first home and how to plan for it
- NHS Superannuation Scheme
- Protecting your income & future
I think this represents a great opportunity to take careers advice for medical students a big step forward - just like the book did. Furthermore, everyone who attends the workshop will receive a free copy of the MLP special edition of my book!
Find out about MLP
Register for a Workshop
1st April 2006
Exclusive interview with Dr Riaz Agha published in the Student BMJ, read it here.
24th February 2006
GMC survey shows 600 doctors jobless
This story is very worrying for SHOs who are being squeezed by the new foundation trainees and by the need to get specialist training numbers.
13th February 2006
Sales of "Making Sense of Your Medical Career" reach 6000
I never expected sales of the book to be this strong this fast, but people are responding really well and the strong sales figures (and forecast) are backed by great testimonials and reviews. In addition the premium section of the Making Sense website has shown similar strong growth.
25th June 2005
BMA warns of job shortages threat
As if you needed another reason to read my book.
You can learn more about this news story by:
Read the full story here
29th April 2005
Making Sense of Your Medical Career is Launched
The book "Making Sense of Your Medical Career" is finally published and now available in all good bookshops, online stores and via this website.